
Human Resources

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Human Resources

Never Underestimate the Importance of Employee Onboarding

“Onboarding is a magic moment when new employees decide to stay engaged or become disengaged,” said Amy Hirsh Robinson, principal of the consulting firm The Interchange Group in Los Angeles.

Tips for Succession Planning

Have you started with your succession plan for your organization yet? Have you delayed planning for lack of time, or in confusion about what to do next? Have you yet to identify potential successors, or are you unsure of your successor’s skills and abilities?

Let’s Start Reducing Employee Turnover

Did you know that employee turnover is a significant problem for most businesses? Economic research suggests that for some industries it can cost up to one-fifth of an employee’s annual salary to find, train, and hire a suitable replacement.

How to motivate employees during a crisis

As an employer, learn how to motivate employees during these challenging times of a pandemic and economic crisis

Tips for persuading people

Have you ever wondered how our ancient leaders built armies and led them into battle, fighting for causes they may never live to see? Ever wondered how Abraham Lincoln put an end to the American civil war? Well, it’s simple.

A Guide to Managing Employees working from home

How you manage a remote workforce who are working from home,...
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Human Resources

The human factor; Employee Motivation and Retention

Human resource is a precious asset that fuels innovation, drives progress, and shapes organizations. Therefore, the long-standing notion that ‘humans are the most valuable resource’ for an organization remains valid.

Human Resource is the heart of SME

"Human resource management is the art of harnessing human potential within an organization to achieve its strategic goals, enhance productivity, and foster a positive work environment."

Grievance Handling

On this Diriya Biz video segment, Prasad De Silva (Attonrny-at-law - Asst Director General - Head of Plantation Services - The Employer's Federation of Ceylon) takes us through the Grivence Handling Procedure of Sri Lanka Corporate and SME sectors.